Nunda Historical Society |
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for Sale |
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The Nunda Bicentennial Commemorative plate pictured below is from Heartland China, of Topeka, Kansas. These 8.25" ivory Japanese porcelain coupe plates were produced in a limited edition of 250. Each plate is back stamped with the following Nunda history and hand numbered. March 11, 1808 as part of Allegany County, located in the southern tier of Western New York, and annexed to Livingston County in 1848. In the Seneca Indian language, "Nunda" relates to hills and a popular translation is "where the valley meets the hills." Pictured is the Nunda Village Public Square looking south, circa 1900. The square is bordered by two commercial blocks, "Merchants ' Row" on the east and the "Farmers' Exchange" on the west, built between 1831 and 1834.
The supply is limited! The plates are $30 each. Postage is $10.00 |
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You can proudly where a piece of Nunda History even after the Bicentennial is over! We have both Tee Shirts and Sweatshirts available in most sizes!
Tee Shirt $10.00 Sweatshirt $22.00
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A special Bicentennial Play was written and performed - featuring local stars and stories! The complete show is available in VHS or DVD for $14.00
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Last March we started the celebration with a special birthday party and postal cancellation. We still have some left that were cancelled on the 200th anniversary of the creation of the Town of Nunda. A collector's for sure!
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This special postcard several of the buildings that line our historic 1830's square. The postcard includes a Bicentennial Stamp and cancellation.
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The Bicentennial Calendar for 2008 is for sale for $10.00. The calendar has old photographs of the Nunda and Dalton area and many important dates from Nunda's history along with a listing of all the Bicentennial Events!
The Calendars are available in several locations in Nunda!
Cost is $10.00 (please add $2.50 for shipping)
Make checks payable to the Town of Nunda Bicentennial Committee, Box 138, Nunda NY 14517
But the 2009 Nunda Historical Calendars are now on sale! Go to the NHS Giftshop!
Show your pride in the Town's history! Purchase your Bicentennial Button today! The buttons have our official Bicentennial emblem on them and are available for one dollar! (please add $.50 shipping.)
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![]() around 1900! |
![]() fire departments |
Stories of "Old Nunda" from the Indians to the Great Depression |
Some Past Bicentennial News and Minutes!
It is not every day that you help celebrate a 200th birthday, but on March 11, 2008, the Town of Nunda will reach this milestone and plans are already underway to commemorate the occasion, according to Valerie Griffing, Nunda Town and Village Historian. Griffing spoke briefly before a gathering of about 50 during the Nunda Reunionists annual gathering last Saturday at the Nunda Historical Society Building in Nunda. She explained that a Bicentennial Planning Committee was organized last September and has been actively making plans ever since. One of the committees
first acts was to ask local artist George Lucas to design the
official bicentennial logo. He submitted three or four designs
for consideration and the committee unanimously selected one
to be the towns official logo. In unveiling the logo Saturday,
Lucas Prior to the unveiling, several groups were recognized for their support of the bicentennial effort to date. They include Keshequa Central School, the Nunda Chamber of Commerce, the Nunda Historical Society and the Keshequa Alumni Association. Town, village and county elected officials were also recognized and thanked for their ongoing support. Speaking briefly and pledging continued support were James Merrick, Chairman of the Livingston County Board of Supervisors, Philip Brooks, Nunda Town Supervisor and James Byrnes, Nunda Village Mayor. Saturday,s event marked the official kickoff of the Nunda Bicentennial Planning Committee. Even though 2008 is still over three and one half years away, a full schedule of events to mark this milestone occasion are already tentatively planned, thus necessitating a great deal of advance planning. Six subcommittees have already been established to work on various aspects of the event, including: Community Service, Events, Fund Raising, Publicity, Publishing and Youth. Organizers are working to include the Nunda and Dalton communities in this event. "We are always looking for more hands and more ideas, and we welcome [. . .everyones] participation Griffing remarked in closing. The next meeting of the Planning Committee will be at the historical society building, 24 Portage St, Nunda on Thursday, August 26 at 7 p.m. and everyone is welcome For more information: Valerie Griffing |
Minutes of the 6/29/2006 Meeting
Minutes of the 5/31/2006 Meeting
Minutes of the 4/25/2006 Meeting
Minutes of the 3/29/2006 Meeting
Minutes of the 2/22/2006 Meeting
Minutes of the 1/25/2006 Meeting
Minutes of the 11/30/2005 Meeting
Minutes of the 10/27/2005 Meeting
Minutes of the 9/28/2005 Meeting
Minutes of the 8/31/2005 Meeting
Minutes of the 7/6/2005 Meeting
Minutes of the 6/5/2005 Meeting
Minutes of the 5/1/2005 Meeting
Minutes of the 3/30/2005 Meeting
Minutes of the 2/23/2005 Meeting
Minutes of the 1/26/2005 Meeting
Minutes of the 10/27/2004 Meeting
Minutes of the 8/26/2004 Meeting
Minutes of the 7/14/2004 Meeting
Minutes of the 6/22/2004 Meeting
Minutes of the 10/28/2003 Meeting
Minutes of the 9/29/2003 Meeting
Held at the Nunda Historical Society Building
Present were: Cindy Welch, Joan Schumaker, Tom Cook, Hope DePuy, Valerie Griffing, Judy DeGrood, Sally Hall, Ellyn Hotchkiss, Tom Byrnes, Jerry & Margaret Barkley and Kathy Macomber
Community Service Nothing to report
Events Ellyn is waiting to hear from Patty Lewis Brown. The committee will create invitation letters to make the organizations aware of several upcoming events we want their assistance on.
Quilts - Cindy Welch discussed several quilt ideas. We will do two quilts - the Memory Quilt which we will raffle off, and the Bicentennial Quilt with our logo in the center which will stay with the Town. Quilt squares will be $5 each and the purchaser can complete however they desire and return. We can do mail orders. Cindy will do the ground rules. We should take names and addresses now of those interested. We should also advertise this in Speak-Out and Naturally Nunda in the Mt Morris Shopper. The drawing for the memory quilt will be at the end of 2008, tickets will be $1 each or 6 for $5, price for signing the quilt is $2 for a name and $5 for a business. Wall hanging pieces were mentioned and Cindy will work on these further.
Popcorn the Bicentennial will sell popcorn and soda and water at the Gazebo music events on 7/26 and 8/9. Jerry & Margaret were asked to purchase the popcorn and related items and also the soda and water. The committee will reimburse their expenses. Popcorn will be $.50/bag, soda and water $.75 can/bottle. Jerry will make a couple signs.
Dulcimer Workshop Lucinda Durkee and Clark Parry will conduct a workshop on the morning of July 21 at the school band room. The cost is $30/adult and $10 for students for two hours of instruction and you will play a couple numbers in the evening concert. Dulcimer can be purchased for $70, but you are not obligated to buy one. The evening concert for those not participating in the workshop will be $5 for adults and $1 for students and 10 percent of the concert ticket sales will go to the Bicentennial Committee.
Plant Sale Judy explained in detail how the Orchard Park, NY garden club conducted their plant sale. It was suggested that this event might be a good joint event with the Historical Society due to the manpower needed. Valerie Griffing will inquire with a regional greenhouse on acquiring plants.
Hope presented her seven yers as a country school Geneseo #4 country school for use as appropriate.
Sandy Bonadonna's Keshequa Central School System research needs typing. Sally Hall to contact Eddy Krotts who previously offered to do typing.
History of Nunda Firefighting is out and selling well. Tom and Sally and Hope are starting to pull together church information for our next publication.
Publicity Tom Cook will contact Connie Kramer with our Positively Nunda piece. He previously submitted information directly to the shopper but it has not been printed yet.
Youth Nothing to report.
Next meeting July 27 at 7 pm
at the Historical Building
Present were: Margaret & Jerry Barkley, Hope DePuy, Ellyn Hotchkiss, Charlie Ostrum, Tom Cook and Valerie Griffing
Community Service
Nothing to report.
Tom Cook and Valerie Griffing reported on their meeting with Patty Lewis Brown. She will write the grant and do the grant for a locally historical theatrical production for 2008. The Dalton GAR hall would give the feeling of an "old town meeting" and we could have a dance at the end of the play, but the school auditorium is also a possibility. The Nunda Theater Guild has not met since this committee met with them in January but they may be interested in performing a locally written production. They have discussed the possibility of doing a general bicentennial piece during 2008. Ellyn will contact Patty Lewis Brown directly.
The bicentennial parade for Allegany County gave the committee ideas. Ellyn will have a further update shortly.
Tom mentioned that Caren Adler who has been researching Needham Knights has contact with a Sons of Veterans Civil War group. This group will do ceremonies to honor and mark Civil War veterans grave sites. We have already requested a contingent for the American Revolutionary War veterans group who will take part in the July 4 events. A driving tour of/presentations at the smaller town cemeteries where veterans are buried on true Memorial Day (May 30) could involve school students.
This group received permission to sell refreshments at the Gazebo
Arts Showcase on July 26 and August 9 and 23. Pop corn and ice
cream will be the fare. Machines will be borrowed from the respective
The picture/memory quilt will be constructed using area photos and raffled. An autograph quilt with signatures will be kept as an historical artifact.
Wall-hanging sized quilts depicting pre-determined scenes may be popular as well. Valerie will inquire with Cindy Welch on the cost (materials, time) to acquire.
Hope DePuy mentioned old-fashioned games and situations (stocks/pillory) that would provide picture opportunities for sightseers. She also shared the Lehman's catalog of old-fashioned games, wares, etc.
The dulcimer workshop is set for July 21 with an afternoon workshop and evening concert that is open to everyone. There is a set fee of about $30/participant to cover the cost of the dulcimer. We may approach Kiwanis and Rotary and ask them to sponsor students so their cost to participate would be less. The venue would be the school. Tom will follow up.
Suggested a press release to the Livingston County News and Genesee Country Express. Jennifer Belicki writes for the Express as well. Editors at both papers willing to do personal interviews. Contact the local and county chamber of commerce.
The History of Nunda Fire Fighting book will receive one final proofreading for errors and then be submitted to Copy Town for printing.
The Keshequa Alumni Association will purchase and present a copy of Tink of Nunda to Superintendent Lucinda Miner for the school library. Presentation will be at the annual banquet June 17.
Tom Cook will man a sales table during from 11 am -12:30 pm at the alumni banquet June 17. Table to contain historical society and bicentennial items for sale. The Barkley's will bring a cash box and monies will be divided accordingly. A banner/poster stating the recipient of the monies will be made.
Nothing to report.
April 25, 2006 Meeting Minutes
Present: Jerry Barkley, Tom Cook, Ellyn Hotchkiss, Valerie Griffing, Kathy Macomber, Charlie Ostrum and Joan Schumaker.
Community Service Nothing to report.
Events What are we looking for in a theatrical
production? Patty Lewis-Brown is willing to apply for a grant
and work with us to write a theater guild production. Sponsor
could be the Town of Nunda or the historical society. October
1 is the deadline for grant applications for 2007. Joan will inquire
whether the play could be written in 2007 but not performed until
2008 (most grants require that the results be presented in the
year the grant is awarded for.)
-Parade a theme parade was suggested with judging
for best historical float, costumes, etc. Reenactment groups may
be interested in participating.
Fundraising Val will check with Tom Byrnes/post office on a post office cancellation. The Gardening Bazaar will be held in May 2007. Kelly Mann and her class at KCS will raise annual flowers for it. We should contact the school so they can note this on their calendar and not double book similar events (since a school group will be participating in this event.)
-Val will contact Jack Morgan
for permission to sell ice cream and pop corn at the gazebo music
series this summer. Ellyn will ask permission to use ice cream
machine and Tom inquire about pop corn machine.
-Group decided to sponsor the dulcimer construction workshop/concert,
possibly in July. Tom C. will organize this event.
-Joan and Cindy had not met on memory quilt project.
Publicity Pennysaver spot for "Naturally Nunda" has been submitted to shopper but has not run yet. Tom C. will check with Connie Kramer. Val will contact Jeanne Cook on screen printing our logo. Suggested asking businesses/individuals to sponsor printing of logo on sign post flags in business district for 2008. The flag would be theirs at the end of the year.
Publishing Sundance Books in Geneseo will
purchase two Tink of Nunda books at $22, Val will deliver
them. The final draft of the Nunda Firefighting book is being
reviewed by Charlie, Tom C. and Joan.
29, 2006 Meeting Minutes
Present: Tom Cook, Jerry and Margaret Barkley, Joan Schumaker, Hope Depuy, Sally Hall, Kathy Macomber, Cindy Welch, Valerie Griffing
Community Service
Nothing to report.
Still waiting to hear back from the Theatre Guild. The committee
has attended events in search of characters of local note.
Tom noted that Patty Lewis Brown might be interested in working with the theater guild to produce a local production. He will contact her and inquire further.
Cindy showed examples of Photo-Memory quilts. Suggested could
make quilted block for wall hangings, place mats, etc. $5 per
picture. These would be made as orders were received. Themes that
were suggested include schools, churches, street scenes, postcards,
park scenes, etc. Fifteen to thirty scenes would be pre-selected
and the subscriber could select only those scenes they desired.
Use of a script font to detail the nomenclature was suggested.
Examples could also be posted on our web site.
Tom and Sally discussed a dulcimer workshop and concert that could
be a fundraiser. Sally's sister is part of a group that teaches
construction using simple methods and then helps you learn to
play your instrument. Tom will inquire further on particulars.
Final pictures for the firefighting book were taken this week. All will be put into a pdf file and the entire publication will be sent to Copytown.
Tom was going to contact Sundance bookstore in Geneseo and inquire about selling our books there. Also the county historians office and possibly the Book Den in Dansville.
Hope and Sally discussed their church research and a discussion ensued on suggested avenues this work could take. If a church has a lot of information, it might get its own chapter or if it is a smaller or lesser known church, it might be combined with other churches into one chapter. Any pictures should be scanned at 300 dpi black and white or better.
Noteably Nunda piece will run soon in the Mt Morris Shopper.
Next Bicentennial Meeting April 25.
22, 2006 Minute Meetings
Present: Tom Cook, Jerry and Margaret Barkley, Joan Schumaker, Hope Depuy, Charlie Ostrum, Sally Hall, Ellyn Hotchkiss, Tom Byrnes, Cindy Welch, Valerie Griffing
Community Service
Nothing to report.
Waiting to hear from theatre guild on our proposal to present
a special theatrical presentation for the Bicentennial.
Committee has met with Rich Baehr for do's and don'ts of parade making. Want to focus on a town celebration separate from Fun Days. Ellyn will present a more detailed plan next time. Suggested that each cemetery be commemorated separately and apart from the grand parade.
As a side note, Angelica will be the site of the Allegany County Bicentennial parade at the end of May. Fillmore does a community celebration each July 4 that might be worth attending. Letchworth State Park will celebrate its bicentennial this summer, beginning with a quilt show May 26.
Cindy suggested using eight (8) inch squares on the quilt so more
people could participate, having our logo painted on the center
block and adding extra borders for more signatures. Two quilts
will be made, one to raffle and one to keep. The criteria would
be any design on that eight-inch square and anyone active in the
Bicentennial could make a square. Committee would give anyone
that initial square of fabric. Joan suggested an historic picture
quilt to raffle. The historical value of an autograph quilt such
as this would be priceless and a record of who lived in the area
in about 2008. The approximate cost for the top, bottom and inside
of a quilt is $100 that the committee would be liable for. Pay
to sign one quilt and pay for chances on the other. $5 per person,
$10-15 for businesses. The Bicentennial logo to be painted on
a neutral background. Joan and Cindy will make an example of picture
quilt piece for next meeting.
Joan passed around commemorative coin samples, need to order 500 minimum, to get the best cost of $3.46 each and could sell for $10 - a good fundraiser. Will look into how much lead time, between order and receipt of product.
Post Office cancellation - Tom B. will inquire with the post master.
Gardening bazaar a great idea and we should pursue it for 2007.
Tom C. mentioned a project the Special Ed students do in school of plant sitting.
Can we sell them in bookstores? We can "advertise" in
Speak-out - Tom C. to put something together on this.
A History of Firefighting in Nunda - needs our Bicentennial logo and a few more pictures, otherwise will be ready about mid to late March. Quote from Copytown of $600 for 300 copies.
Church book in the works and expected by end of summer.
The Donning Company Publishers sent an example of the type of pictorial histories they publish - decided not to pursue a book of this type at this time.
Youth artist in residence program may be available to us.
Next Bicentennial Meeting March
January 25, 2006 Meeting Minutes
Present: Ellyn Hotchkiss, Margaret & Gerald Barkley, Tom Cook, Joan Schumaker, Sally Hall, Hope Depuy and Valerie Griffing.
Community Service
-Nothing to report.
-The Friendship Tree project from Loomis Barn was explained and
is a possible project to benefit our local food pantry or Rotary/Kiawanis
holiday basket project. Any group from the school, community,
scouts, etc. can participate and people "vote" for their
favorite tree by placing a non-perishable food item under the
tree of their choice. They can "vote" for a particular
tree(s) as often as they would like. The tree with the most "votes"
gets a small monetary prize.
-Committee met with the theatre guild recently to discuss an early 2008 production. A ghost walk event was of particular interest to the guild. Use of school talent was mentioned too.
-The Mt Morris Dam lecture series was also mentioned as a possible event. The suggestion was made that local persons speaking on local topics be sought for monthly historical society programs during 2008.
-A meeting with Rich Baehr to discuss parade how-to's is scheduled for early February.
-A garden bazaar including plants, garden related accessories,
a bake sale, etc. was suggested for 2007 and 2008. We could ask
local vendors to donate outdoor-related prizes. The community
would be solicited to donate perennials from the garden.
-Examples of centennial coins were displayed and suggested as a fundraiser.
-Ice cream and popcorn sales in conjunction with the gazebo music series are possible fundraisers. Valerie Griffing to contact Jack Morgan and discuss further. The possibility of borrowing an ice cream machine and a popcorn machine was mentioned. Ellyn Hotchkiss and Tom Cook, respectively, will inquire further.
-Box supper in conjunction with a cemetery tour.
Publications Committee
-Mary Patton has purchased five copies of Tink of Nunda for her
family. The Patton family is planning a trip to Nunda in 2008.
Perhaps we can arrange a book-signing event. The committee will
suggest she come for the Reunionists gathering in August. An official
proclamation by the town designating that weekend as "Tink
of Nunda" weekend will be sought.
-Copies of Tink of Nunda are available at the town and village clerks offices, Nunda Family Pharmacy, Bell Library and Journey Quilt Company at $25 each. The Alumni will also purchase one to be given away at their banquet in June.
-Fire Dept book we believe it has been successfully converted to .pdf format. Tom Cook will e-mail it to Copy Town Printers and Valerie Griffing will follow up with them. Format and layout to be as discussed earlier.
-Sally Hall and Hope Depuy have collected several manuscript pieces on various churches in and around Nunda including the Universalist, Episcopal, Assembly of God and the Dalton Methodist.
-Hope Depuy presented her research project on District School #4 in Geneseo and explained the connection between that school and Nunda. This project can potentially be used in two or three different ways.
-The Alumni Association is undertaking research on the one-room schools that centralized into Nunda Central in 1939.
-Suggested putting a write up in the "Naturally Nunda:section
of the Mt Morris Shopper as well as a write-up the Genesee Country
Express. Michael Veitch is also willing to speak with the
editor about republishing old books.
-Nothing to report.
Next meeting will be February 22, 2006.
November 30, 2005 Meeting Minutes
Present: Ellyn Hotchkiss, Margaret & Gerald Barkley, Tom Cook, Joan Schumaker, Sally Hall, Charlie Ostrum and Valerie Griffing.
Community Service
-Nothing to report.
Ellyn Hotchkiss reported the committee would be visiting Loomis
Barn in Middlesex. They are also looking into anything that may
be able to be modified for Nunda.
Pins, t-shirts, magnets, ornaments, garden flags, tote bags, house
flags, 50/50 raffles were mentioned as possibilities. Valerie
Griffing will make inquiry with a local vendor. The new banners
on the village light poles were mentioned. What are the particulars
on the rotation of new banners? Valerie Griffing will inquire
with Merrilee Walker on cost, etc. The present green and gold
banners were a gift in memory of Betty Morris and were paid for
mostly by private donations.
Publications Committee
-Tink of Nunda will be printed this week, the proof has been reviewed
and approved. The dust jacket is still in process. The rest of
the towns allocation will be transferred to the Bicentennial account.
Valerie Griffing will make this happen.
-The fire department book will be about 40 pages. Valerie Griffing will take it to Copy Town printers for an estimate.
-Sandy Bonadonna gave us permission to publish her History of the Nunda School System at the cost of one copy of the finished product. The possibility of scanning it was discussed, otherwise it will have to be typed. Edi Krotts has offered to do typing. Sally Hall will follow up with her.
-The suggestion of doing our own publishing was raised and examples from other historical societies were shown.
-Valerie Griffing will do a write-up for the Livingston County
News and Genesee Country Express newspapers.
-Nothing to report.
Next meeting will be January 26, 2006. No meeting in December due to Christmas and New Year holidays.
October 27, 2005 Meeting Minutes
Present: Ellyn Hotchkiss, Margaret & Gerald Barkley, Tom Cook, Joan Schumaker, Sally Hall, Charlie Ostrum and Valerie Griffing.
Community Service
-Government courses are usually taught in the spring of senior
year of high school. We could get the criteria from the high school
-Ellyn Hotchkiss reported on the Ghost Walk event.
-Ellyn has contacted the Nunda Theater Guild and is waiting for a call back. References to Early Years and Captain Hand to create the play were made. Joan Schumaker suggested a grant to research and write the play.
-The 50/50 raffle has $33 to date. The drawing will be December
14 following the historical society meeting.
-Calendar project we are still waiting for a quote.
-Post Office bulletin boards are open and await any display we might want to put up there.
Publications Committee
-Proof copy of Tink of Nunda with new photos and text will be
mailed to us soon. Once approved it can go to print.
-Suggested placing a general news release in the Genesee Country
Next meeting will be November
30, 2005
September 28, 2005 Meeting Minutes
Present: Ellyn Hotchkiss, Margaret & Gerald Barkley, Tom Cook, Joan Schumaker, Sally Hall, Charlie Ostrum, Tom Byrnes, Hope Depuy and Valerie Griffing.
Community Service
-Nothing to report.
-Ellyn Hotchkiss shared a list of thoughts for a parade. Perhaps
we should start notifying people in 2006. She is contacting Rich
Baehr to arrange a meeting on parade "advise."
-Nunda Theater Guild contact is pending are they interested in doing a production? Possible theme of "town meeting" was suggested
-A winter event might include snow fort/sculpture contest, snow snake contest, sleigh rides, Rattlesnake Hill hike, indoor activities in the gym (maybe reserve the gym for the weekend), snowshoe races, involve Greenway and physical education program at school.
-Memorial Day parade march from school to church for a service then march to the cemetery and have a small presentation. The youth could decorate the graves of veterans in all cemeteries, as was a former tradition.
-We want to hold events in Dalton area as well.
-Other area events include the Ossian outhouse races, Lima bed races, Fillmore soap box derby.
-Possibly contact artillery re-enactors for a display
-Reunionists gathering the second weekend of August could include a house tour, maybe with a musical unit at each house to entertain those waiting to go on the tours. Tour could be done over two days. Memphis, TN also has a good tour.
-Nothing to report.
Publications Committee
-Everything but the final payment has been sent to Michael Veitch.
The book will be produced by scanning it to disc.
-Nothing to report.
-Tom Cook has juniors this year, a small group of whom could possibly
do a cemetery project. He requires a history project every 10
weeks as part of his course requirements. Seniors are required
to do a community service project as part of graduation requirements.
-Next meeting will be October
27, 2005
August 31, 2005 Meeting Minutes
Present: Ellyn Hotchkiss, Margaret & Gerald Barkley, Tom Cook, Joan Schumaker, Sally Hall, Charlie Ostrum, Tom Byrnes and Valerie Griffing.
Community Service
-Nothing to report.
-Committee is waiting to hear back from the theater guilds board
of directors and will bring up the possibility of creating a special
bicentennial production. Council on the Arts grants are available
for writing such a production as well.
-A parade around July 4 was discussed. Tom Byrnes suggested a Drum Corps. Karl Essler is a member of the Crusaders of Rochester. The purpose of the parade is a community event, not a competition. We might have one outside band and would expect to pay their expenses. Other possibilities for the day include an old-fashioned baseball exhibition, local craftspeople along State Street. Sons of the American Revolution will participate with their color guard. We have enough documentation on the Revolutionary War veterans in Oakwood Cemetery for an appropriate ceremony.
-Other Events suggestions included a costume-ball event, a harvest-themed event, and a town meeting with an "honorary" town supervisor and pathmasters, mayor, etc.
-Pins, sweatshirts, walk-a-thon, quilt, house tour and ghost walk
were mentioned.
Publications Committee
-Treasurers report was given. We are awaiting proof of Tink of
Nunda. Valerie Griffing will send the $1200 down payment and a
tax exempt form to Michael Vietch. Jerry Barkley is scanning photos
to be used. We need high dpi for best results. Joan Schumaker
will do a press release on Tink of Nunda
-The fire department history is almost ready to go.
Sally Hall and Hope Depuy have been collecting church histories from all churches in town.
-Pastor Ken Doyle of the Calvary Bible Baptist Church contacted
us to make arrangements to donate the proceeds of their bake sale
to the Bicentennial Committee after Labor Day.
-We received one response to our mailing from Mr. Blackburn who stated his interest in constructing a different housing for the bell in the village square.
-Tink of Nunda publicity went in the Reunionists mailing, is on web site and went to the Class of 1955 mailing.
Nothing to report.
Next meeting will be September 28, 2005
Present: Margaret & Gerald Barkley, Tom Cook, Joan Schumaker, Charlie Ostrum, Tom Byrnes and Valerie Griffing.
Community Service
-The "Friends of Nunda Cemeteries" group was discussed
and the youth involvement that could dovetail with our group.
-A youth-artisan in residence grant was discussed. This could accomplish historical work of some sort in 2007 and 2008 but must be something all 8th graders can use.
-Nothing to report.
-2006 calendar should be ready by early fall.
Publications Committee
-Our original of Tink of Nunda is being made ready for scanning
at the printer. Project on temporary hold until financial resources
are available. Need one third down payment. Determined that the
regular sale price for the book would be $25, pre-publication
$22, $5 shipping and handling on all. We need an intriguing summary
to advertise the book. Joan Schumaker and Tom Byrnes will take
a stab at it. We can promote the genealogical aspect to that group
as well.
-Historical Society has ordered Captain Hand and expects delivery in early August.
-The brochure is scheduled to be mailed July 12.
-Nothing to report.
-Nothing to report.
Present: Margaret & Gerald Barkley, Tom Cook, Joan Schumaker, Charlie Ostrum, and Valerie Griffing.
Community Service
-An informational meeting of the "Friends of Nunda Cemeteries"
group will take place June 29 at 7 pm at the historical society
building. Tom Cook will publicize and chair this activity. Tombstone
repair is one of the first issues.
-Glenn McClure and Jim Kimball can do evolution of music in Nunda
-Musical concerts at the park
Publications Committee
-Brochure distribution was discussed. Valerie Griffing will inquire
whether we can use the schools bulk mailing permit. Suggested
working with a student to get a write-up in the "Keshequa
Chronicle" newsletter.
-Republication of Tink of Nunda was discussed. 300 hard cover copies would cost about $3500, to take the book apart and re-stitch will cost about $80 which Tom Cook offered to pay. We will look for another dust jacket as the cost to create same is $300-$400. A dust jacket will add about $1 each to the cost of the book. The publisher can scan the pictures (better equipment with more dpi makes a better copy quality). The Koeppe biography has a few minor changes and will be sent within a week or two. Tom Byrnes is looking for an early picture of his fathers house to include in the book. Suggested soliciting private funds to pay for the book and also have a book signing in 2008.
-Drs Wilcox and Wettereau are interested in researching and writing on the medical community of Nunda.
-Public presentation format was drafted:.
Public Presentation Format
I Introduction
A. What is the bicentennial? Why celebrate it? History (short
history of the town, town committee formed in 2003).
B. Goal to celebrate bicentennial, people, events and history
C. Structure of Planning individual brochure, some support
from the town, donations gratefully accepted
II. The Plans
A. Special events (as organized by the Bicentennial Committee)
1. Old-fashioned town meeting
2. Concerts
3. July 4th celebration, complete with old-fashioned ball game
B. Regularly scheduled community events
1. What you normally do
2. Alumni banquet
3. Reunionists gathering
4. Memorial Day celebration
C. Special Events
1. Publications
2. Cemetery community service projects
III. What you and your organization
can do
A. Sponsor an event
B. Share a representative to the committee
C. Financial contributions
-Nothing to report.
Next meeting will be July 6.
May 1, 2005
Present: Ellyn Hotchkiss, Margaret & Gerald Barkley, Tom Cook, Joan Schumaker, Charlie Ostrum, and Valerie Griffing.
Community Service
-Nothing to report.
-Ellyn Hotchkiss has copies of first village minutes and is working
to secure same from town. She mentioned asking theater guild to
present an "entertaining" piece to kick off 208 with.
-Do we know a playwright who might write a skit for us? A Council on the Arts grant is available to write and perform such a production. Locally Ken Morris and Jerry Thompson were mentioned as possibilities. On a regional level are Tom Fox and Patty Lewis Brown.
-A costume event to cover 200 years of fashion history could coincide with a ball at the beginning or end of 2008. Dances popular during this time period would attract many audiences. Both Jim Kimball and Glenn McClure will do instructional dances.
-A barn dance could trigger old-time traditions such as ice cream socials, box socials, a town meeting, a July 4 parade, yard sales, Fun Days, Reunionists, alumni banquet, community events and others.
-Charlie Ostrum recently gave Don Thompson a copy of the old-fashioned rules of the game of baseball. The Genesee Country Museum has groups available to put on a demonstration of the game of yesterday and would then play against a "pick-up" team from Nunda.
-The idea of these events is not to make money or to attract large groups of tourists, but rather to attract local people.
-We can approach organizations and groups and ask what part they want to play in celebrating 2008? talk to us and do it.
-Nothing to report.
Publications Committee
-The brochure was discussed. We hope to have it in printer-ready
format soon.
-Mary Patton, Clarence Koeppe's daughter, has given permission to reprint the book. She will send a brief biography and original pictures soon. Several original pictures are needed. Tom will scan them and return them. We need a better dust jacket to submit to the printer.
-Tom Cook reviewed the final draft of our Call for Papers request. It will go to the shopper soon.
-Sally Hall and Hope Depuy are in charge of compiling church histories. An old-fashioned historical revival meeting and church social was suggested as an event. Reference was made to Betty Fox's church information to help with this project.
-See brochure under publications.
-Nothing to report.
March 30, 2005 Meeting Minutes
Present: Ellyn Hotchkiss, Jerry Barkley, Tom Cook, Joan Schumaker, Charlie Ostrum, Hope Depuy, Sally Hall and Valerie Griffing.
Community Service
-Oakwood Cemetery is a beautiful Victorian cemetery. Maintenance
and assistance in several areas is badly needed. This may be a
community service project for school groups, service organizations,
etc. This would be a lasting gift to Nunda's next 100 years.
-The need for childrens fare (games and activities involving children)
was stressed.
-Calendar and quilt mentioned.
-Brochure 48 advertisers to date. We hope to have all ads
in by April 8.
-Reprinting Captain Hand the quote is the same as before. Decided to turn this project over to the historical society due to the cost involved in reprinting.
-Michael Veitch will publish Tink of Nunda. Our next step is to select pictures. Tom Cook will contact the Koeppe family and work out the details needed for us to republish this book.
-Progress on booklets to be printed by Bicentennial Committee was reported. We need someone to do just churches. One book on churches with each having its own chapter was suggested.
-Tom suggested the committee put out a Call for Papers. We want anyone interested in writing almost anything on the Nunda area to submit their manuscripts in accordance with standards and guidelines established and already on our web site These works would be 25-100 pages in length, related to the Town of Nunda(which includes Dalton) and acceptable to a screening committee.
-Nothing to report.
-Nothing to report.
Next meeting Sunday, May 1
at 2 p.m.
February 23, 2005 Meeting Minutes
Present: Jerry & Margaret Barkley, Tom Cook, Joan Schumaker, Charlie Ostrum, and Valerie Griffing.
Community Service
-Nothing to report
-Nothing to report.
-The Dalton Methodist church will celebrate their sesquicentennial
in 2008 and is considering republishing their cookbook. Therefore,
the committee declined to take on a similar project.
-A calendar in a CD case attracted attention using the most basic pictures street scenes, etc. We will save the best ones and the larger ones for our 2008 calendar.
-Tom Cook suggested going to a Kodak Co service that produces items for fundraising events. He will look into this further.
Publications Committee
-Photos for Tink of Nunda were discussed. Suggested scenes include:
daily life around 1900, Livingston Hotel, band stand, village
square, the right hand side of old school, street scenes, the
Koeppe parents' plot in Oakwood cemetery, training class pictures,
the casket company with Belle Roberts and workers and hop pictures.
-Tom will contact Michael Veitch to reconfirm about the dust jacket. Joan to check with Tom Byrnes on an early picture of the family home on Vermont St.
-Uniformity in the look of our future publications was discussed. Each book cover would have a series title (Nunda "something"), a picture then a subtitle as appropriate. A light blue cover like Early Years was suggested, making that the first publication of the series.
-The list of possible publications brainstormed tonight were: the fire department, Yesterday, Woodworth letter, Walter Stamp, churches, Nunda Central School System, etc. We envision a series of 0-12 descriptive articles of Nunda by Nundaians. A collection of early Marge Frost stories and Marge Ostrums early writings can be used to connect old families to Bicentennial.
-Pamphlet sponsorship 50 lines per column seems reasonable with "Bicentennial Patrons" listed in the center column. 5,000 copies will be distributed to the school alumni, the park, tourism agencies and the county Chamber of Commerce in Geneseo.
-Nothing to report.
-Nothing to report.
Next meeting March 30
Present: Jerry & Margaret Barkley, Tom Cook, Valerie Griffing, Ellyn Hotchkiss, Charlie Ostrum, Joan Schumaker
Financial Houskeeping:
Wording for the agreement between the town and planning committee regarding banking numbers has been finalized. Joan will seek a letter siting specific information and signed by Supervisor Phil Brooks to satisfy bank requirements.
We want to keep our bank account with our local M&T bank, if possible. Joan will inquire further into what fees, etc. they charge. The account will be set up under Town of Nunda Bicentennial Planning Committee, PO Box 341, Nunda 14517. We will use the historical societies post office box.
-What is the cost to do a box
holder Dalton, Nunda and Hunt? Joan will inquire into the number
of boxes in these three areas.
-Tom is inquiring with Peggy Shaver at school to see how many
Commentators are mailed.
-Question arose of what we are getting back for sending our brochure
out as a box holder. Answer: we would hope to notify people of
the upcoming event, ask for money and provide advertising for
-Further revisions to the text of the brochure were made along
with suggestions to simply the map.
-We can begin soliciting patrons/sponsors immediately. Joan will
update the list of town businesses and have it at the February
9 historical society meeting. Cost is $10 per line for business
or individual.
-Joan will create a form for patron/sponsors to fill in when signing
-Tink of Nunda
-This book will appeal to two audiences: those who wish to understand
life at the turn of the last century (Tink paints a boyhood at
the turn of the 20th century, 100 years ago) and those who knew
the family.
Higginson publishers, a soft cover publication with and
the dust jacket reproduced on the soft cover will be $8.12 when
ordering 200 or more copies. This includes five pages of updated
material and 12 pages of pictures. For a hard cover, add $12.18
per book (includes the discount) and add $3 per book to reproduce
the dust jacket
-Michael Vetch will print 300 copies for $3500, $11.66 for
a bound, hardcover book. Price does not include shipping. They
need a better dust jacket for use in producing a dust jacket,
otherwise add $300-400 to the quote to create a new dust jacket.
Will also charge $4.50 for each photo scan.
-Malloy Publishers (quote obtained by Brunner) 500 copies
at $7.88 each, unsure if this is for a cloth cover book.
-Does anyone have any books published by these companies so we
can judge quality? If so, contact Tom.
-Tom will continue to look for other publishers.
-Family update from Mary Patton is forthcoming.
Captain Hand:
-Valerie will contact Heart of the Lakes for a new quote. This
is our most important and immediate publishing project.
Suggestion was made to feature our publications in future brochures.
Tom reported that there will be a couple of publications ready to go this year: one on the fire companies and one a collection of his Yesterdays articles.
Joan also mentioned Barbara Schneckenberger Bernstein's personal poetry, pictures and history project Barbara would like to publish for the benefit of the historical society
The Genesee Country Express will print planning committee articles
Committee is working on things and will have a further report at the February meeting
Hats, buttons, mugs and t-shirts were the suggested fundraising items.
Suggested setting up a sales table at town and village offices, historical society, yard sale days, gazebo, etc.
Valerie showed the Cohocton puzzle and explained the procedure as outlined to her by Geraldine Dusenberry on the process of creating one. Tom will contact Buffalo Toys and Games to inquire on the particulars of them producing a puzzle.
Next executive committee meeting
will be February 23.
Present: Jerry & Margaret Barkley, Tom Byrnes, Tom Cook, Valerie Griffing, Ellyn Hotchkiss, Charlie Ostrum, Joan Schumaker
-Regarding our brochure, we
may need to do smaller, more expensive run. Bulk mailing rate
would be 15 cents each
-how many to get printed is the question
-Money for business card sized advertising-$30, patrons/sponsors
-Joan to speak with Phil Brooks on Monday, November 1 and Val
and Joan will converse 11/1 regarding bank account issues
-Town allocation of $2000 will be available 1/1/2005
-If we kept the basic design but changed interior contents, would
there be any savings?
-Best price on printing, three quotes sought, Copy Town Printing
in Lima gave best quote
-Print in time for January distribution is our hope
-Tom C and Joan to chair committee on soliciting patron sponsors
-Val & Joan to come up with business list of businesses in
-Tom C has not yet heard from Mrs Patton on Tink of Nunda, he
left a message
-On-demand publishing will do ISBN and for free and market
book. We would need to have a bulk # books sent to us for distribution.
Will get a test copy to check quality. Also suggested we do a
-Val to call Town of Cohocton RE: their puzzle
$123 raised to date for 50/50. Drawing will be 11/10. Margaret & Val will be at Shur-Fine selling on 10/28. Ellyn reported Ciruelo's is busiest early am and Friday afternoons and she and Val will set up up there soon.
Basic transcription of all town cemeteries is an ongoing 2008 middle school project. They have done a treasure hunt for unique stones.
Nothing to report.
Community Service:
Nothing to report.
After Thoughts:
In 2008, the historical society
should plan bicentennial exhibits, do exhibits for kids, etc.
Present: Jerry & Margaret Barkely, Tom Cook, Valerie Griffing, Ellyn Hotchkiss, Wixie McMaster, Charlie Ostrum, Joan Schumaker
-July 4 celebration there are possibly three (3) Revolutionary War veterans graves in Nunda, two in Oakwood Cemetery and one in Jones Cemetery on Creek Road. Application has been made to the National Archives and when records are received, Tom Cook will apply for headstones. The government provides stone and shipping. We will get these early and ask to store them in the tool house until 2008. At the next meeting we will select the marker size. The dedication will be July 4, 2008.
-Charlie Ostrum is inquiring with the firemen on all fires
-Fireman's Parade just Nunda's old equipment. Our activities should not try to compete with those that have been running for years (such as Warsaw's). Notify our fire company, etc. early on. Ask the Legion and VFW to turn out.
-Other events in the area such as Fillmore's "Fair" or gathering of old fashioned games, etc. were mentioned. A group from Genesee Country Museum goes around and helps recreate events. Old ball teams, uniforms, leagues, etc. are popular.
-Focus on one event at once (don't want to lose focus).
-Check newspaper and pictures from 1908 events. What did they do for the Centennial?
Publishing Committee
-Tom Cook met with Jim Brunner on Tink of Nunda. Brunner suggested illustrating with photos of the era. Suggested six inch by nine inch size photos OR instead do a pictoral history of Nunda. Tom has checked on-line and copies are going for $75 to $125 each. Tom had a copy of a quote from Malloy of Ann Arbor, MI for a soft cover book, 208 pages, 750 copies $4175. Tom to contact Koeppe's daughter to see if she approves of these suggestions.
-Captain Hand book update does not exist in hard copy, on the 'Net going for $65.
-How do we put this on CD? CD is good for quick research. Maybe we should do both CD and hard copy.
-1872 Nunda and Portage town maps. Reprinted in 1972. Maybe we should reprint these again. Tom has the 1872 village map on-line.
-Alumni school district project Ruth Walker put together questionnaires.
-Publications to date:
-Charlie fires
-Alumni school districts
-General Education maybe in a couple parts, Dalton schools,
Nunda schools, Keshequa schools. Joan Schumaker to contact Sandy
Bonadonna to arrange a meeting.
-Pioneer History Tom Cook
-Create a tri-fold explaining what the bicentennial committee is to be placed at stores, bank, businesses, etc. Impromptu meeting to mock out will be August 30 at 2 p.m. at historical society building. Plan to have this ready to go by October. Jerry Barkley to attempt first draft. Can this be put in with tax bills? Water bills?
-Where do we go to get magnets, etc. done?
-Bicentennial fundraising at school
-Suggested maintaining one fund that all projects can draw from
-Sponsorship at end of Hand book
-Buy a brick. OR: have your name imprinted on a brick around gazebo to leave a lasting mark on the community
-School and businesses come up with a time capsule to be placed near the Billy Donovan memorial
-Printing tickets at ARC
-50/50 drawings will begin at the September 8 historical society meeting. Go to service organizations to sell 50/50 tickets. Gerry Barkley to make a poster with our logo stating the proceeds will be used to support the Bicentennial Committee Projects. All tickets will be $1.
-Valerie Griffing to inquire about accounting procedure.
Present: Margaret & Jerry Barkley, Ellyn Hotchkiss, Charlie Ostrum, Tom Cook, Valerie Griffing and Jean and Allen Thompson.
Logo Unveiling
-Suggested unveiling at historical society building instead of golf course. Suggested creating a book of memories saying you were here to become historical document to become set of documents for 50 years from now.
-Display the logo at at Woodlynn. Can reference it in meeting afterwards and open to public.
-Suggested holding Reunionists gathering at school building in future
-Ceremony order: Welcome and overview by Valerie Griffing as town historian and chairman of the 2008 committee. Introduction of guests (words?) unveiling of logo by George Lucas with a representative of 2008 committee and presented to the committee.
-Headline "Bicentennial Committee Officially Unveils Their Logo Designed by George Lucas Officially Kicking off the Bicentennial Planning Committee."
-Thank everyone and hopefully everyone will participate still time to help us. Looking for people with ideas and energy.
-Publicity contacts include: R-news, Warsaw & Dansville radio, Genesee Country Express and Livingston County News, Hornell Tribune (Andrew Thompson & Sunday Perspective), Mt Morris & Genesee Valley Pennysavers, Cindy Welch's column, Democrat & Chronicle's Our Towns Wednesday's.
-Ask the historical society can the unveiling ceremony be part of the reunionists at historical society building? Include an "official invitation" in the Reunionist mailings as a separate announcement "You're invited to attend historic unveiling of Bicentennial logo for the Town of Nunda, etc. etc."
-We can use logo on alumni mailing, banners on street signs, etc. Ask groups to become official bicentennial sponsors (participating sponsoring organizations). The cost is an active participant on the planning committee or $ to use the bicentennial logo.
-Ask George Lucas to make a presentation copy, maybe on cow. . .
-Ask the Mayor, supervisor, Jim Merrick-Livingston County, Terry Lowell as Dalton alternate, superintendent, village Chamber of Commerce, historical society representative, Livingston County Chamber of Commerce to be present
-Have a rough draft of calendars on display. Rough Calendar with sign up sheets
-Logo cookie cutter in Christmas basket to raffle off Christmas 2007
-Could Golden Oaks Foods (Nunda Mustard) or Once Again Nut Butter come up with a special creation for 2008?
-Jim Brunner is a printer from Geneseo interested in "consulting" on printing issues on Tink of Nunda. He suggested including a place for a history (short) of Clarence Koeppe, a picture section for photographs of things he talks about (20 pages = 40 pictures, etc.), emphasize the architecture of Nunda as an interest to outsider. Maybe not get every minute detail, add an index, add a page thanking family, get another photo of him. Brunner to look at book 200 pages with pictures, cost approximately $20 per book. Daughter wants some sort of agreement, Tom Cook to check with Brunner on language. Daughter wants to come to Nunda.
-Is a CD version of our publications a possibility for us?
-"Set" of ornaments suggested, include Dalton buildings, Nunda and Dalton on each one with logo on back, book marks, etc.
-Alumni discussed their efforts on the one room schools process of locating, describing, pictures. Maybe contact landowners for 2008 year and identify the site as spot where the school stood and come up with marker to identify site
-Alumni needs picture of 1939 map on floor. The district schools in the village were a district of what? Advertise the specifics of what is needed
-Reunionists put money up front
-Valerie Griffing will find and forward the Heart of the Lakes letter to Tom Cook
Next Meeting
-August 26th historical society
-Tink update
-Unveiling follow-up
Present: Jerry & Margaret Barkley, Tom Cook, Valerie Griffing, Ellyn Hotchkiss, Charlie Ostrum, Bob Weir
Publishing Committee
-Publishers won't give "general" quotes, they want to quote a job that is almost ready to go to print.
-Several possible publications already partially done. Joan Schumaker will contact Sandy Bonadonna regarding her paper on Nunda Education
-Tom Cook's Pioneer Times articles
-Charlie Ostrum's history of the Nunda fire departments
-Tom Cook will contact Jim
Bruner on republishing Tink of Nunda.
-Clarence Koeppe's daughter is interested in coming here for a
formal presentation of the reprint and is also requesting a "contract"
for us to republish.
-Tom Cook gave a brief review of ownership and copyright of pictures
-Much interest in one-room schools was shown at the 6/22 Keshequa Alumni Banquet. Suggested the Alumni run pennysaver ads, asking for pictures and stories, etc. Suggested that Alumni Association publish district school pamphlets
-Pictures make the story
-Suggested we get one publication ready so as to develop a model, establish standards, set a general price, etc.
-Committee is looking for short stories and pictures on any topic relating to Nunda with a general historical narrative
-Make a quilted wall-hanging of the district schools map on the floor at Keshequa
Publicity Committee
-Have the logo on display in the library
-Approximately 33 "Welcome to Town of Nunda" sign posts, is it possible to put the logo at all entrances of town?
-Contact available signage manufactures and inquire on cost
-George Lucas, historical society member, designed several attractive logos for our consideration and one was unanimously selected at this meeting
-We might need to be concerned with future plagiarism of logo
-Will want eventually scan logo and put on website
-Have an unveiling ceremony with George Lucas, the news papers, mayor, town supervisor at Reunionists gathering. Ask George to paint a logo for the front of the building. Also, list of school districts to pass out to generate interest. Official kickoff of bicentennial planning committee.
-Calendar of 2008 year so community groups can start filling in.
Events Committee
-Parade - with fire
company with equipment spanning time from 1808 up to 2008 in Nunda
with fireworks in the evening
-Calendar by month what are we already doing? Focus on something for each month. Focusing on and making official event during 2008. June-Fun Days, Alumni, awards ceremonies. August Reunionists, Yard sales. May Memorial day services. Dalton Daze in summer, Halloween doings Keep Dalton exposed and included. School concerts, Vacation Bible School, gazebo series, etc.
-Do not plan something new on a currently existing event/day
-Special July 4th events-ceremonies in Dalton and Nunda to honor all veterans. Dedicate monuments for unmarked Revolutionary War graves with Sons of the American Revolution color guard.
-Emphasize the importance of the GAR hall to the town
-Suggest approaching town and village for money to support financial aspect of celebration
-Document the interior change to village hall/fire department. Village hall has a different meaning now. Have a commercial debate ban bathing in horse trough (research needed here),
-Recreate minutes of first town meeting. Echo over time. Fireman's parade on July 4, featuring dignitaries and good speakers
-Several old churches are gone. Present Nunda area Council of Churches (Holy Angles, Nunda and Dalton Methodist and Trinity) that have regular services might want to participate. Churches could plan Thanksgiving/family celebration, maybe not on that day. Since not all families are close by. Suggested a Harvest festival like the Yorkers used to do at Veley's.
-Kid friendly old games. Council on the Arts grants available if it involves kids. Three student councils could sponsor games. Intermingle with harvest festival. Board games are coming back.
-FLOATS dress up time passing of 200 years, kids dressed up as they are today. Prizes for parade for best horse-drawn equipment. Give buggy rides, house tours. Bicentenniel ribbons.
-Wearing historic costume during year 3/11/1808, 7/4/2008
-December event for dress up for all ages during Christmas break at Dalton. Dance-different era's in different places ex: Jim Kimble, sick hop, swing band (78RPM, Elmore Blair). Music night instead of one type of music thru the ages. Refreshment stations. Adult night "tape dance". Decorate each "dance" hall for each venue. High school students, class, club would do.
-Where is the time capsule in the copper box? Valerie Griffing to inquire with Superintendent Miner.
-Make up and seal time capsule for tri-centennial in 2108 for each community (Nunda and Dalton)
-Game event in January with refreshments, an inside winter event.
-Art class making Christmas cards to sell.
October 28, 2003 meeting minutes:
Committees established at the October 28, 2003 meeting of the
Bicentennial Planning Committee meeting. The * indicates the committee
chairman. Each committee was directed to meet at least once and
to fulfill their respective objectives.
Community Service
*Joan Schumaker
Charles Ostrum
Sandy Spencer
Youth Committee
*Brian Emke
Tom Cook
Sandy Spencer
*Tom Cook
Tom Byrnes
Joan Schumaker
Fund Raising/Memorabilia
*Margaret Barkely
Cindy Welch
*Cindy Welch
George Lucas (?)
*Ellyn Hotchkiss
Tom Byrnes
Sally Hall
Executive Committee will consist of Chairmen of the above committees
Next meeting 1/27/2004 at 7
p.m., Historical Society Building.
September 29, 2003 meeting minutes:
Present at the September 29, 2003 Nunda Community Bicentennial Organizational Meeting were: Tom Cook, Pat Galbraith, Ellyn Hotchkiss, Sally Hall, Phil Brooks-Nunda Town Supervisor, Jim Byrnes-Nunda Village Mayor, Bob Weir, Joan Schumaker, Margaret and Gerald Barkley, Charles Ostrum, Cindy Welch and Valerie Griffing. Meeting was held at the Nunda Historical Society Building.
The purpose of this meeting was to assess community interest in organizing a celebration of the towns bicentennial March 11, 2008. The evening principally consisted of sharing ideas and thoughts of how to commemorate this event.
Here is a list of ideas and discussion topics shared that evening!