Photo taken 1996 by Joan Schumaker
On October 9, 2014 fire heavily damaged one of Nunda's historical treasures - the house known by most local folks as the "Willard House" located at 42 South State Street in Nunda. The Nunda Historical Society joins the Nunda community in mourning the loss of this important part of our local history. The timeline below gives a brief history of the house. It was compiled by a former owners owners David and Anita Baird and Nunda Historical Society members Gail Diemoz, Joan Schumaker, and Tom Cook. We will add more information as we continue our research. If you have photographs or information on this historic house - please contact us!
1867 - House built by D. M. Tuthill, local cabinet maker. |
1868 - House is described in an article in the Nunda News, April 11th
"A Fine Residence. We had the pleasure, on Wednesday, of taking a look through the new and commodious dwelling of Mr. D. M. Tuthill, now nearly completed, and can hardly express our admiration of the house in as brief an article as we much, of necessity, make at this time. The woodwork throughout, with the exception of the parlors above and below, are of Chestnut, oiled and varnished, and beautifully finished. The stairs, window sash and woodwork in pantry and all, are of Chestnut, varnished, so that there will be no paint about the inside of the house except in the parlors. The walls are all hard-finish, and the building throughtout shows that those who did the work were mechanics who fully understand their business. The general arrangement of the house for convenience in doing work, it seems to us, could hardly be excelled. The cellar is a model one, having in it an arrangement to procure water from the cistern by the turning of a faucet, and also contains the ice house. The location of the bulding commands a fine view of the village, and is among the best of the numerous fine residences of which Nunda can boast. Long may its worth owner and family live to enjoy it." |
1867 - Mr. Henry Haines purchases the Tuthill property |
1908 - Dr. Irving P. Truman becomes new owner. |
1912 - Daniel Grunder buys the property. |
1921 - Grunder sells the property to Mr. A.J. Stone. Stones adds the veranda, pillars, and swimming pool. |
1945 - Local businessman, musician, and politician Ken Willard purchases the property. Willard serves in the NYS Assembly. |
1971 - Area farmer and landowner Myron Brady buys the property |
1979 - Bryan and Helen Hildreth become owners and start a bed and breakfast at the home. |
1994 - Davis and Anita Baird (Boggs) purchased the property.
2004 - Charles and Cheri Livingston become the new owners |

Photos taken 1996 by Joan Schumaker
