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Friends of
Nunda Cemeteries


Oakwood Cemetery Assessement

August 27th, 2005


 On this Saturday Morning a crew made up of FRIENDS gathered at Oakwood Cemetery to conduct a physical assessment of the grounds. Using an assessment form designed by member John Gordinier, the group covered all the older parts of the cemetery. Each member identified physical problems with the stones and grounds, ranking them on a 1-5 basis. This included both the historical features such as gravestones and physical features such as trees.

The data will be tabulated and then used to determine the FRIENDS work projects. Similar assessments will be done in each of the cemeteries. Some photos taken during the assessment are found below.



"Preparing for Work"


"Looking for Problems"


"Cleaning up as we go"


"A possible hazard?"


"A few of the FRIENDS"



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