Nunda Historical Society

2007-2008 Membership (Sept-Aug)

& Annual Fund Drive


Name ______________________________________

Street/Box # _________________________________

 City__________________ State ___________  Zip _____________


Tel: _________________


Fax ____________


Email ________________

Membership Levels: (Check One)

 Youth $3________  Supporting $25________
 Individual $5________  Contributing $50_________
 Family (includes husband, wife & children at home) $10 _________  Sponsor (organizations and businesses)

Memorial Contributions $ ______________ (specify name) ________________________


Additional donation $ _______________

Total Amount Enclosed $ _______________

Please make checks payable to the Nunda Historical Society

Note: The NHS is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 charitable organization. Your membership/gift is fully tax deductable.

Return this form with dues/donations to:

Mail this form to the Nunda Historical Society, Box 341, Nunda NY 14517-0341

We need interested people to take an active role in the Society. If you would like to serve in some way or if you have suggestions for programs, please contact Joan Schumaker. Tel: 585-476-2354